Tips for a clean and tidy house at all times

Keeping the house and tidy at all times can be a tiring task, but it doesn't have to take your time. Making good habits will reduce the amount of time it takes to tidy up your house. Start the habit can be tough, but it will likely reduce a lot of time if you've done it once or twice.


Make the bed

The house is clean and tidy, starting from the bedroom. Most people are lazy to make the bed, even though this only takes a short time. Doing this starts the day off great, and of course, you will be delighted when you get into the tidy bed, right?


Make Priorities

Cleaning the house is not the same as cleaning all the tools and furniture. Make a house cleaning list and prioritize what needs to be done first, wait until a few days later, or be done at the end of the week. Some people don't like writing lists, but it does make you focus on keeping your home clean and tidy. List the 2 or 3 main things you should do to clean the house today and work on them.


Involve All Family Members

A clean and tidy house is not only the responsibility of mom or dad. Everyone who lives in the house should be involved in keeping it clean. Teach children to clean the house in simple ways, for example, putting the dinner plate in the laundry, putting shoes and slippers on the shelf, cleaning their room and others according to their respective ages.

Seeing a clean and tidy house without draining your energy is certainly fun. However, you should take the time to supervise and teach the children at first. They may make a lot of mistakes at first, but they will gradually improve and become more responsible for cleaning their own homes.


Do 15 Minutes of Cleaning Every Night

Do the house cleaning with the whole family for 15 minutes at night before going to bed. Apart from practicing cooperation, all family members also feel togetherness. Teach children to tidy up toys or tables while you wash dishes or fold dry clothes, and your partner takes out the trash to keep the house clean and tidy. Look for things that make the house dirty and clean them together. Just 15 minutes every day to clean the house.


Put the Cleaning Tool in an Affordable Place

The following simple tips are to put cleaning supplies such as rags, glass spray, bathroom tissue, and others in an easy-to-reach place. After you brush your teeth in the sink, take a nearby cloth and wipe it dry. Wipe the toilet seat with a tissue or scrub the dirt with a toilet brush after using it. These are simple and practical methods of cleaning the house. It only takes 1-2 minutes to do it.


Clean As You Go

Cleaning the house can be done at any time. When you leave the room, take your dirty clothes to the laundry. When you want to wash your hands, you should also take the dirty dishes to the laundry. Put shoes and jackets in place after parking the vehicle and before entering the house. This way of cleaning the house will greatly facilitate keeping the house clean and tidy if it becomes a habit.



Declutter simply removes clutter. You can clean the house faster by reducing the house's cluttered areas, for example the dining table, desk, living room, and room. The house is clean and tidy because things are neatly arranged and put in the drawer where it belongs. Surfaces that have few items can be cleaned faster.


Take care of frequently traveled areas

Pay attention to entrances to homes and other areas where large crowds have traveled. Cleaning the house is easier if this area is controlled; for example, require everyone to put sandals or shoes on the shelf before entering the house. Put a mat to hold dust and clean feet. If pets are allowed in, clean their feet first before entering the house. Don't forget to be diligent in sweeping the area. It doesn't take long to keep the house clean and tidy.

For professional cleaning services in Bellevue. You can take the Assistance of Premier Janitorial Services. They provide best Janitorial Services.