Two Ways to Wash a Rug to Keep the Fur Smooth

How to Wash Rugs by Grades: Rugs are different from the others and require special care. The material used is more sensitive than ordinary carpet, so it must require special attention. For this type of carpet, it is very susceptible to dust, where rugs have high absorption, so you must know how to wash rugs properly so as not to damage the feathers.

For the best carpet cleaning services in Auburn, you can take the assistance of Premier Janitorial Services.

The carpet is one of the household items that is very easy to get dirty, which is used as footwear and is trampled on every day with the condition of the feet that are either dirty or clean. Sometimes you can accidentally spill food or drink. For that, you must be diligent in cleaning it so that dirt and dust will be resolved immediately and do not cause unpleasant odors.

What are the ways to wash rugs

Not many people know that cleaning fur rugs requires a separate method, but most of them only use a vacuum cleaner to clean the available dust. You need to know if using this method is less effective at cleaning fur rugs or rugs. Carpets are generally used for footwear but different for rugs, which are usually used for decoration or are used less often for every day.

To be able to care for rugs every day, you don't need to use special cleaners. However, to be able to remove stains, it is better to use a special cleaner for sensitive materials. Before using cleaning fluids, you should read the methods and rules of use. But you can also use materials in your kitchen to be able to clean rugs.

For example, by using vinegar mixed with detergent to clean stains. However, not too much because it can damage the rug. Apart from using vinegar and detergent, you can also apply two ways to wash your favorite rugs.


How To Clean Rugs Manually

How to wash a rug first with a degree on the floor. Then vacuum using a vacuum cleaner. We recommend using a wet and dry type of vacuum cleaner that can be used to vacuum and suck water. After the dust is gone, then stretch the carpet by hanging it on a clothesline with a strong material because this rug is a heavy type of carpet. Then you can start spraying the carpet with cold water; it would be better if you use a spray with the same pressure as the spray for motorbikes and cars. This aims to remove dust to the maximum.

The next stage, how to wash rugs, can start by giving soap which is used to wash clothes. Try to use a special liquid in cleaning carpets. Brush with a soft brush on the dirty parts, and do not brush too hard to not damage the carpet bristles. After it feels clean, then rinse it with a gentle spray and let the water run to bring the carpet dirt. Give the softener by first dissolving it with enough water.

If the washing process is complete, then you can enter the next stage, namely the drying or drying process by just being aired and not exposed to direct sunlight. This is to keep the carpet hair from getting rough quickly if it is exposed to the direct and prolonged sun. Make sure the air circulation is good so that your rugs do not smell. When it is dry, then sprinkle it with baking soda to remove odors and make the carpet soft.

Leave it for some time, then vacuum it until it is clean. If necessary, then wake up the bristles using a soft plastic brush. Save the dry rugs by rolling them according to the standard that has been set. Only then can it be put into the plastic so that the dust doesn't stick. Spray perfume if necessary before bonding the plastic.


How to wash rugs in the washing machine

The next way to clean the rug is with a special washing machine, where at first place the rug and then vacuum it using a vacuum cleaner. Only then can it be put into the washing machine then do regular washing using a chemical type. By using this type, it is the same as washing clothes in a light color. Give the softener as needed before squeezing it, you can shorten the time to squeeze it with the final extract.

When finished, remove the rug and air dry the same way you wash a rug manually earlier. For the next step, you can do this by sprinkling baking soda and vacuuming it to get rid of the unpleasant odor. Next, clean the bristles with a soft brush and then start plastic wrapping when all is done. Before wrapping and closing, spray perfume to keep your carpet fragrant. By washing rugs, so they don't smell, your carpet is guaranteed to be maintained and not damaged by the correct washing process.